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Who We Are

Frequent Questions

Have you ever had a question and didn’t know where to find the answer? If so, you’ve come to the right place.

Below are just a few of our frequently asked questions.   If you can’t find the question you wanted to ask, don’t hesitate to contact us:

  1. The Nathan Yip Foundation empowers rural Colorado schools, teachers and students. We work to close the educational opportunity gap between rural and urban schools in the state. We currently do this with two annual grant cycles (one for teachers, one for districts/schools). Teachers and schools submit requests to fund an innovative idea or project and the NYF aims to fund as many as possible.

  2. How is your organization funded?
    How is your organization funded?

    The Nathan Yip Foundation is funded through our fundraising events and donations - what we raise through the generosity of our business sponsor, donors and event attendees is then distributed to schools and teachers throughout the state.

  3. There are many ways to get involved with the Nathan Yip Foundation! If you are in the Denver metro area (or like to come visit) you can attend one of our fabulous events! You can donate to the foundation at any level - we have requests from teachers for $100 up to $30,000 for larger district/school projects - so every donation amount is put to good use. We are always looking for businesses and organization throughout the state that would be interested in partnering with us financially or in other ways to support schools, students and educators in your community. If your business is interested in sponsoring any of our events or our work - we have ample opportunities and would love to talk to you and find an opportunity that works for you! If you are interested in supporting rural schools in our state - we would love to talk to you about our work and how we can work together! The possibilities are endless!