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Fall 2024 Colorado Rural Teacher Grants - Apply Now!

The Colorado Rural Teacher grant cycle is in August/ September annually for teachers to request grant ranging from $10 - $2000.  Information for Rural Teacher Grants will be available in early August each year.  

Apply now for a Colorado Rural Teacher's Grant. 

For More Information and to Apply - Click Here!

If you teach/work in one of these districts - you are eligible to apply for a Rural Teacher Grant, of up to $2000, to improve the educational experience for you & your students!  Do you have a dream of something you would like to do in your classroom? With your students?  Something that you just need a little funding for?  Apply now to make that dream a reality.  Click above for information and the application.  If you have an idea - it will take about 30 minutes to apply!

Colorado Rural Teacher Grant Applications are due Friday, September 13th, 2024.





Spring 2025 Rural Schools Grants

*Letter of inquiry information for 2025 will be posted in December 2024, with Letters of Inquiry due in early February.  

Please review the information and eligibility requirements below:

1. Your school/district must be in a rural Colorado School district as designated by CDE.

2. Requests must be submitted by a school district or staff member.  Collaborations are encouraged; however, a school or school district must submit the letter and subsequent application.

3.  Priority will be given to schools/districts and programs serving lower-income communities.

4. Grant amounts typically range from $1,000 to $30,000 USD*.

5. Applicants must apply each year for new funding.  (Each project may receive grant funds for up to three consecutive years, at which point grantees must wait one year to re-apply for additional funds.)

6. Our funding priority is K-12 programs/projects that will directly impact students.

7. The Nathan Yip Foundation DOES NOT fund:

  • The purchase, lease, or renovation of real property including buildings, land, or other physical spaces (other capital requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis)
  • Salaries
  • Student scholarships and tuition support
  • Non-rural organizations/schools/entities (i.e. 3rd party private or non-profit service/program providers)
  • Special events or fundraisers
  • Legislative action
  • Endowments or loan requests

Grant Application Timeline and Process:

1. Letter of Inquiry Due by February 15th, 2025 via email to  Please submit a one page letter that include information about your school/district (include demographics such as socioeconomics, ethnicity, and extenuating circumstances), a brief description of the request and approximate amount of money that will be requested.  This letter must be submitted via email by February 15th. 

2.  If your grant is approved for further consideration, the 2025 Grant Application will be emailed to the contact provided on the letter by the end of February. (Everyone who submitted a letter will be notified of the status of your request by the end of February.)

3. The final grant application will be due Wednesday, April 17th and award notifications will go out in late May/early June for funding for the 2024-25 school year. 

4. Funds will be dispersed in June 2025.

Please reach out to if you have any questions.



The Nathan Yip Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity that raises funds from the public through individual gifts and special events. These funds are then reinvested in rural schools through our Rural Education Grants & Partnership Program. See grant cycle dates and details below!

The Nathan Yip Foundation supports schools, teachers, and students in Colorado’s rural communities through its Rural Education Grants & Partnership Program.

Since our founding in 2002, we have focused our efforts where we can uniquely add value so we can generate the most positive impact. Rural communities have been at the heart of our foundation’s work worldwide, and now we’re making a difference here in Colorado. The Nathan Yip Foundation specializes in providing funding, materials, expertise, and access to strategic partnerships to help develop programs to improve the quality of education to schools and communities that can’t otherwise afford the time or resources. This focus enables us to take advantage of our strengths and vast network, and reflects the foundation’s ongoing commitment to providing equal and quality access to education all over the world.

Each request is carefully evaluated by a committee of various community leaders and volunteers to determine alignment with the foundation’s mission and resources. After initial internal review, we will select a few finalists to host a small group of foundation representatives for a site visit and listening tour. Finalists will then go through one more round of internal review before notifications are sent out and funds are distributed.

We invite you to dream with us and submit your letter of inquiry for support! We love unique and innovative projects, as well as requests for basic but highly needed resources and materials that will have an immediate and direct impact on your classroom, school, or community. You know your community best, and we look forward to learning more about your vision.


If you have any questions regarding eligibility or specifics of your application, contact Executive Director, Jill Henwood, at (303)817-8400 or


How We Make A Difference

Investing in Colorado's Rural Communities

We partner to implement programs and support in some of Colorado’s most underserved communities, and work directly with stakeholders so that we know our work is thoughtful, sustainable, and fits with the school’s most pressing needs.

During our first year supporting Colorado’s rural communities, we have developed relationships through our projects in the San Luis Valley, on the Eastern Plains, and in Colorado’s Southwest. By working directly with schools and district administrators, we get grassroots buy-in and ensure that our programs are making the biggest impact in a way that is culturally relevant to the community.